Monday, April 30, 2012

Trippin', Stumblin', Flippin, Fumblin

Thursday evening we went out with friends to celebrate my huzband's birthday.
The company was wonderful, the food incredible, the drinks delicious.
The staff went out of their way to accommodate my food allergies, and because they did, I will definitely be returning to that restaurant.
Unfortunately they were not as clear on my huzband's dairy allergy.
We didn't realize that the sauce on his meal was made from heavy cream until he got violently ill.
While he was getting sick out in the parking lot, I was inside with our friends and somehow managed to lose my footing and kick the table.
By the time we got home my foot had swollen to about three times it's normal size and I was in a lot of pain, so I headed to the Emergency Room, and spent the next 5 hours there.
They couldn't see a fracture in my foot, so I'm supposed to go see an orthopedist in the next week or so to get that double checked.
The diagnosis was severe hematoma, soft tissue damage with sprained muscles. I have to wear a boot for a while and walk with crutches.

Here are some lovely fotos of my feets, this is after the swelling has gone down a bit.

I wish I had known ahead of time that so many doctors, nurses and people would be looking at my feet so that I could have gotten a pedicure!


  1. Ouchies! I hope you and huzband are doing better this week! <3

    1. Thanks, Jessi! I have moved on to a cane now. I'm slowly but surely feeling better.
